Heart Shine 

Annelies van Keulen

Born in Emmen and raised in the Noord Oost Polder in the Netherlands, Annelies has always felt a strong desire to explore the world and immerse herself in various cultures, traditions, and places from a young age.

She pursued her studies in business in Groningen and Sheffield UK, and subsequently, she has dedicated many years to working in the corporate world. In roles within marketing and sales, she had the opportunity to collaborate with diverse cultures across various international markets. Some of the most inspiring experiences came from working in Mexico, Senegal, Cape Verde, and the USA.

Simultaneously, during her first pregnancy, seeking balance amidst a busy professional life and the responsibilities of caring for her family, Annelies embarked on her 'spiritual path'. She engaged in a variety of activities, including a silent retreat in India, pranayama workshops, massage workshops, horse therapy, family constellations, a Natural Leadership course, and ultimately, the Kundalini Yoga Teacher training (KYTT). In 2023, after completing the KYTT, she began sharing her unique style of yoga, drawing from the knowledge accumulated over the years.

Through her light-hearted approach, Annelies guides students in authentic and empowering practices. Her goal is to foster a supportive environment for self-exploration, leaving one feeling grounded, refreshed, powerful, and inspired. Annelies aspires to encourage her students to turn their focus inward, connecting with their body, heart, and mind. 

~ Live from the heart and shine your light ~